

  • Love this. This is what I've been struggling with recently, despite knowing that I'm all these great traits rolled into one. My mom even wrote in a card to me that the world needed my brains, ambition, caring, and love and I still didn't take it to heart. I guess I just need to prove it to myself.
  • Love this. This is what I've been struggling with recently, despite knowing that I'm all these great traits rolled into one. My mom even wrote in a card to me that the world needed my brains, ambition, caring, and love and I still didn't take it to heart. I guess I just need to prove it to myself.
  • I've thought about swimming but memberships to gyms with pools are way too expensive for me! I've been doing lots of cardio- I don't let it slow me down at all, I just don't do as much as I would like to, like running. My leg is still strong, as are my lungs, but this crap about not being able to push off the ground is…
  • I'd like in! I'm looking for a new group since I just joined today. AND GRADUATED COLLEGE YESTERDAY! New me starts...Well, tomorrow, since I was hungover and eating leftover pizza today. My goals for the next 32 days: 1. Stop stress eating- or at least be aware of the situations that set it off. 2. Get to the gym 4…
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