DawnMangrum Member


  • I try to drink 8 oz of water in between each beer that way I feel like I am flushing more of it back out in order to not have it "bite you in the butt" later. I have been at this for 2 years now and have lost more than what my profile says;;;;;because I do not know how to change that, but am about 15 pounds from my goal…
    in BEER Comment by DawnMangrum January 2011
  • I have big legs too and when I first began I felt the same way. I am telling you right now you think it is all muscel, but the fat is there. I have now lost 56 pounds and my calves and thighs have really slimmed down. I believe that I have lost a total of 6 inches in my calves alone. Don't be discouraged, it will take…