

  • KimR87: Thanks, I've seen it around- bought some for work as I often make my own sushi to take in, but having it in the house is a whole other thing- I used to have an ed and my partner is well aware of this, hence every time I suggest buying a "diet" or "reduced-anything" anything- even just for myself, and he can have…
  • (I'm the kind of girl who very easily mistakes water retention for fat retention and gets all worked up about it)
  • Thank you! Tho :< <mfw goodbye soy sauce, or at least soy sauce w/ tea every night. And lol Sidesteal reusing your pics!! Busted! lol I am slightly worried though as I would prefer not to be retaining water unnecessarily??
  • I'd also check out Forks Over Knives (it's a documentary) if this topic interests you. And just because I always think of one when I think of the other- watch Food Inc. if you haven't already, pretty interesting.
  • jojoraeburn your diet sounds very similar to mine! would you like to be friends?
  • Hi! Atkins is no bread pasta etc etc right? I'm another newbie attempting to switch to a vegan wholefoods diet- and trying to keep as many carbs out as humanly possible!! I haven't eaten bread or pasta for months now, and barely any potatoes :) If you'd like to add me, go for it! I'd love to chat with you about the diet,…
  • If you're fitting into smaller clothes but staying the same weight you're maybe replacing the fat you are burning off with muscle?
  • Two dishes I really enjoy as sides are: Grilled veggies- tomato, eggplant, mushroom, capsicum, squash- just don't go overboard on the oil and you'll be fine (roast veggies are my treat, so tasty but I always want roast potato/sweet potato and I can use my entire day's allowances on those two things- but if you do like…