Newbie Attempting Atkins

Hello hello

I am a Newbie from South Africa Attempting Atkins (again) and would really like to rally some support :)
Day 2 and I think its going good


  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Hello there and welcome! Can't help you with Atkins, though... I need my carbs ;-)
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm not doing Atkins, but i have dramatically reduced my carb intake as the calories are so high in pasta/bread/rice etc. Good luck eliminating carbs completely!
  • Charrah
    Charrah Posts: 60
    Hi and good luck with your diet plan.
    There are lots of fellow low carbers here which is a great support system. I eat really low carb, but its more Dukan than Atkins.
    If you would like to add me feel free.
  • morelesspls
    Atkins is no bread pasta etc etc right? I'm another newbie attempting to switch to a vegan wholefoods diet- and trying to keep as many carbs out as humanly possible!! I haven't eaten bread or pasta for months now, and barely any potatoes :)
    If you'd like to add me, go for it! I'd love to chat with you about the diet, don't know a huge amount about Atkins tho! :)
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member

    I just sent a friend request through :)
    I love Atkins and the way it makes me feel, as I've recently found out I'm insulin resistant and low carb just gives me so much more energy!

    Good Luck :)

  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    im not doing the atkins diet as such but i have reduced simple carbs from my diet, i still eat alot of fruit and veg and i eventually want to eat a paleolithic diet which is similar to the caveman diet where you eat only what you can grow, pick, catch, no processed foods at all but i am weaning myself off slowly tehe

    My workmate is doing atkins and she has just lost 10kgs after 8 weeks:) so it obviously works!

    good luck and feel free to add me:)
  • morelesspls
    jojoraeburn your diet sounds very similar to mine! would you like to be friends?
  • M3mPh1z

    Good to see another South African.

    I personally dont agree with the Atkons diet, I firmly believe in Gareth Cliffs diet... "Eat less, run more" lol, simple but efficient.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hi! I do Atkins, and you can friend me if you want. There's a great Atkins support thread here. Go to Atkins Support (do a search for it).
    Tons of Atkins and low-carbers, as well as recipe ideas, support, advice, etc!
    Hope to see ya around MFP!
  • lynjeffrey
    Thanks peeps, will dig around a bit and see what I can find.
    I know Atkins works I did about 10 years ago and lost 15kg in 3 months!

    its just to find the motivation, recipe ideas and support now to get back on it and not get bored.