I am on a diet with and dr. I'm allowed 24oz of with diet coke or diet Pepsi. However, I can have all the Diet Rite Cola I want and it doesn't effect my weight loss. So if you do like soda you should try it. But I suggest getting the cans and having it in a glass with ice. Out of the two liter it just tastes flat to me.
Lol this morning I had another talk with my daughter about this. I told her that the things they say dont bother me and that she doesn't need to let it bother her either. Told her she did nothing wrong and wasn't in trouble and to maybe try ignoring them. She told me that they follow her and say things. So I told her to…
Wow I am so sorry to hear of your school experience. I was bullied too in high school for my weight and I wasn't even that big then. I appreciate the advise very much. This is going to be a hard road for me because I dont do well with confrontation in most cases I tend to cry like a baby when being verbally attacked. But…
Thank you for your advise. I didnt look at it like her running away from problems you are right I dont want to teach her that so thank you again
They have not been involved because my daughter hasn't said who. Her teacher and I told her next time she needs to tell the aid and who was saying it. It doesn't bother me at all because I know when kids bully its because they have a hard home life. So in the end makes me feel lime a good parent lol l. Thank you for your…
I started my weight loss at size 30 jeans!!!! In 6 mo I have lost 66 lbs and am proudly in a size 22! :-D
Ok here is another question...... What do I say to her? Or more HOW do I say it?? You all rock btw thank you all for responding :-D
She has had another child since with her now husband. I don't know if he is in school yet. I don't know exactly how old he is or when his birthday is. I know that IF I pursue this then I will contact her before saying anything to my daughter. My anxietl is more about how she will react. Before my daughter was even thought…
Thank you! He is not in the boys life. The mom is married and has had another baby since the boy. My daughter is an only child thus far and I haven't told her about him. I dont want to until i decide to contact her or not. I think she should know about him but I don't want to have to tell her that they don't want to see…
1) I am a true single mother(no help or involvement from the father) of an amazing 6 year old. Still I manage to be a full time student. 2) My daughter was delivered by the Dr. that delivered me and my 5 siblings. Also delivered at the same hospital as I was. We live in the house I grew up in. She goes to the same grade…
I have heard from a dr to check your labels because most everything that says low fat or reduced fat increases your chance of colon cancer by 50%! Its because the "fillers" they use change the natural chemicals in your body. But pop chips are great even though I can't have them yet also look at all the organic brands and…
Lol I know what you mean I can't stop logging on!