

  • Update: I took a package of No Pudge brownies (original flavor) and a can of pumpkin. I mixed them together and did not add or do anything else. I cooked it for about 30 min. They turned out OK. They're very dense but the taste is good. Side note: Do not over cook! My dog decided to get out of the fence when I had 7 min…
  • I usually go over my protein and fiber targets so I think I'm doing ok there. Thanks for all of the replies. I have my activity level set for "sedentary" because I have a desk job. I don't get a lot of movement in my day unless I workout. I will continue to keep doing what I'm doing and see how week 2 goes. If nothing else…
  • JustCallMeLynn current weight should be 210. Thanks!
  • Name...........................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight JustCallMeLynn.................................212.....................................................212..........................................................195 I…
  • I weigh in Tuesday mornings.
  • I wonder how the brownies would taste if you added a can of pumpkin instead of black beans? The thought of bbeans does not sound good to me. Just curious.