

  • Turkey, stuffing, whipped potatos with butter and cream, turnip, carrotts, quash with butter...this works out to just under 1000 cals! Add the apple crisp, ice cream, baileys and whipped cream and you have just over 1300!!! And I am gonna eat it all:) Could probably cut back on the portions a bit...and I am probably…
  • i think fore 45 is brutal...i can handel the ez...maybe i am not pushing hard enough on the ez?
  • i think fore 45 is brutal...i can handel the ez...maybe i am not pushing hard enough on the ez?
  • lost about 30 with turbo fire and mfp!
  • i hate fire 45 most days...unless i am super energetic and craving a hard core workout! fire 55 is ok for me, i find after the fire drills are over its smooth sailing:)
  • I am def a closet eater breaking the habit! You are doing awesome, probably just writing this really will help your will power. I know last night when i ate a bunch of halloween treats i was not going to write them down, but i thought to myself that maybe if i see in front of me the calories i ate in just a few little…