

  • Call me crazy, but when I tried to quit before to lose weight, I gained weight! I think my daily generous pour of Chardonnay keeps me from eating. I'm glad no one can see my food intake because I work out extra hard to have wine. Not sure whether cutting back will help or not. Of course, I wasn't using MFP then. It's just…
  • You had me at lushes!
  • Good luck! Enjoy a bowl of pasta the night before. Spaghetti is perfect. Stay away from dairy and if you need to eat before you run, have a banana and look forward to a big breakfast after your race. This has been my formula for years and usually I'm unable to eat before a race but LOVE eating afterwards.:happy:
  • I am also a "walk it off" girl and long time runner. It does sound like sciatica and a good sports massage will do wonders. Also, as a runner ibuprofen is your friend. When I have had back problems, yoga, massage and ibuprofen always do the trick. Good Luck!