laurs22 Member


  • You can do it! You are already taking a big step by admitting you want to change. Start off slowly by eating a healthier diet and then working the exercise in slowly. There are so many people on here that will help you and you will feel so much better if you are progressing forward and working towards your goal rather than…
  • Yeah I have a mountain bike hah I can barely go for 10 minutes cause my legs are dying! So I'm slowly building up the muscle. Thanks for the tip! This is the first time I have ridden a bike since I was like 12 and it was never this tiring when I was a kid haha.
  • Thanks!! ha I'm trying to get moving. I'm not really sure if I have lost because of the food tracking, wii, or just more movement hah I'm sure its a combination. But I have lost about 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I can definitely see more definition on abs and legs though and thats definitely from the wii sports active because its…