jdublis Member


  • sometimes when you eat certain things matters ...try breaking up your calories into 6 small meals instead of 3 reg size. also try to not have any starchy carbs after lunch drink lots of water...drinking water keeps your metabolism going
  • How do you feel about tofu or like the other person said veggie burgers are good too . but in my opinion they have a lot of carbs too...i would just make sure that your carbs are simple carbs like fruit, beans, veggies. lots of fiber and they burn off quickly
  • don't think of protein shakes as a muscle building miracle drink....its liquid food. drink them as u need them to meet you goals for the day. try 1g of protein per lb of body weight ...how much protein depends on what you're trying to do but like someone else said it is always better to have food instead, it's more…