

  • Mikey, leave the French alone! You sound like the Mayor of Crazy Town! I'd die w/o red wine and french bread and an occassional croissant! Ooh la la!
  • I love, love love my bad *kitten* group! You people rock! Hi everyone and Mikey! I've lost 4 lbs off since I last posted - just by eating less and upping my NEAT. I just want to say one thing - soda pop will kill you. Go cold turkey now. Also cut out juices. You will see immediate results w/your diets. The salt and sugar…
  • Just so you know Mikey, I hate exercising, I have a recent hip replacement, tore something in my knee a month ago while out dancing, and have a 3 grinding cervical vertebrae - everything hurts on me all the time. But I'm with you - I know it gets better, or gets easier, and I'm sick of being embarrased by my rear end.
  • haha, I typed "fate" instead of "fat" - must be some kind of omen.