

  • Even better! I had always heard 300-500 but I'll take 500-1000! I plan on exclusively breastfeeding until at LEAST 6 months, then still breastfeeding but introducing real foods until she's at least a year. The longer the better (for both of us).
  • I have only just started this round of dieting, but overall I've dieted for years and I totally understand what you're saying. To start out dieting, I always switch my foods over to very low calorie versions to try to wean myself into the shock of eating less. As time goes by, I would get used to eating less and less. I…
  • I'm terribly sorry for your loss =( I had a miscarriage last year November. I went into my doctor's office because I was having really bad cramping at 8 weeks pregnant. I was spotting all through the pregnancy and it turned to actual bleeding around the time the cramping picked up. She did an ultrasound and it showed the…
  • As of yesterday, I am 38 weeks pregnant... I'm on here to get motivated to lose the baby weight afterwords lol.
  • It can certainly feel like a shock to cut your calories. However, you can make it an easier transition by finding foods you normally eat that have fewer calories, whether it's different brands or just "lite" versions. I switched to fat free milk, sara lee whole wheat bread (45 calories per slice instead of 90) low calorie…