

  • Im 5'8" and I would love to get down to about 160-150ish, I havent seen that weight in over 15 years since Im currently at around 270 I have a ways to go. I think the lowest I would ever want to be would be 140 but that would be pushing it. I was 180 when I got married 4 years ago and while I was happy I was under 200, I…
  • Pretty much anything McDonald's related. Im doing pretty good staying away from the drive-thru since my window is broken, but sometimes in my busy day, like today and yesterday when I had so much going on, It was pure convenience to walk in ;(
  • You can add me, my goal is to lose about 120 lbs cause to get down to 120 seems a bit out of reach for me, but I would lie to try and be a support system for you and I could use some motivation too. Im tired of the fat jokes that my hubby says, I know he loves me for me, and I know that I joke about my weight, it just…