slim4map Member


  • PS. As a result I am off meds that I took for years! The majority of my food choices are real and non processed except for the whipped cream, stevia chocolate and cream cheese.
  • I will do Keto for the rest of my life! Took me two years at 1200 calories a day to lose 30 pounds. I was miserable and always obssessing over food. Since Keto I have lost 66 more lbs in about 18 months. I am sure I eat well over 2000 cal a day now and I am never hungry I also am easily able to do intermittent fasting…
  • That was yesterday, this is today...water under the bridge....shake it off and move forward because the only thing that matters is today!!!!!!
  • I have had PCOS diagnosed since 1989, back then few doctors were familiar with it but now many are more knowledgeable. Your monthly eggs don't fully release and they turn into cysts which give off androgens which raise your insulin levels so your body thinks its starving and slows down your metabolism, I tried to tell my…