smksapper Member


  • So happy to see this! I started reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women in late May. My husband goes to the Y with me and we do the workouts (he modifies his a bit since he can lift more.) He asked me to not weigh myself the first few weeks to give myself time to see a difference before freaking out about the scale…
  • Love it :laugh:
  • I think sbduvall has give you some very sound advice. Small changes. Pick your battles at first - don't set yourself for disappointment by setting rules for yourself that aren't realistic at the beginning. And you know yourself best so you know what's realistic and what's not. Don't be too hard on yourself but do challenge…
  • Ugh... ok. Even though I hate to admit it, this is a good idea for me at this point. I'm new to the message boards so feel free to add me.
  • Hi! I was going to make my own "Hello, everyone!" post but saw yours and your mention of C25K so wondered if I could just jump in here? I'm not sure I've ever posted anything on these message boards before. I started using this site last year after gaining some weight last fall but hadn't really been working at it. I…