WynterSkeyes Member


  • I started on Wednesday too. Today was really rough. Yes lets help motivate each other. I really need it
  • 16 pounds was great. You were very close. I am proud of you.
  • Well I didnt lose the 20lbs in fact I gained 9lbs and had to loss them back. But I did get them back off, so thats a plus. I hope the challenge went better for you. But I will not give up. I have to get off 60lbs by June.
  • Thanks Melody. I havent been exercising like I should either. I have been snacking big time since Thanksgiving so its definitely the right weight. I really need to get out my slump though. I have been laid off work for 4 weeks now and I got extra lazy. Should have been the perfect time to go hard on exercising but I did…
  • Great job. Keep up the good work
  • Thats great Steph. It does feel good to get back on track doesn't it? Well after day one anyway. Day 1 after a week or so off is terrible. I have learned the hard way. Go head Steph
  • Way to go. Thats great. Its also ok, dont have to weigh-in on Monday if you dont want to. Just do a weigh-in. Its fine everyone schedule doesnt permit Monday. But keep up the great work
  • :( I gained again this week. 203.8 to 204.2. I gained .4oz. Ughhhh :(
  • Well you may have gained muscle so dont feel bad about that. Its ok keep up the good work
  • My way in for Week 2 is.......... 4.2lbs. I am now 203.2lbs YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! What is your weight loss for week 2? I hope week 3 goes well for you.
  • Not a problem at least it wasn't a gain. Push harder
  • Great job Debbie.
  • Steph oh Steph, you know if you eat your sweets and still work out it better than doing nothing at all. If you work out then you are at least burning those empty calories you just ate off. I am not saying keep eating junk and workout just because you ate the junk, but that workout will help. I workout at night when I get…
  • Why are you ashamed? You shouldnt be. Before July I hadnt worked out about 4 years. And there are plenty who never worked out ever. So dont be ashamed. I am proud of you too though for getting back in there.
  • Why up until now? What happened? You didnt go crazy on snacks and fried chicken like I did, did you? LOL.
  • I know how you feel. But yes we can do this. We got to get it together. LOL.
  • Personally my week was terrible. I hope next week is better. Although I have sweets that are less calories they are still not helping. I just have to cut them out altogether ( tears). Start back on my sugar snap peas and carrots and more fruit. I think I have gained instead of losing but its OK I will make up for it.…
  • Thank you Steph
  • Congrats Caulecia. It feels good doesn't it. I wouldn't say your real starting point is when you can get in those jeans. It really started when you made up your mind that you were tired of the way you were. I can definitely feel you on the not excepting that you were gaining weight. I know I said the dryer shrunk my…
  • Congrats. I know you are feeling wonderful. I got into my size 12 last week and I haven't been in those since 2007. Go girl, go girl. Keep up the great work.
  • I had my 3rd NSV (Non-Scale Victory) on yesterday. I had to buy a new belt. My old belt was too big and defeating the purpose. My 1st was my work pants and my skinny jeans getting too. My 2nd was fitting into my size 12 jeans again that I haven't been in since 2007.
  • Hello everyone. How has everything been going? It's Friday, the start of the weekend. I dont know about you guys but the weekends are hard for me. I am off work and tend to snack a little more than usual. So my challenge this weekend is to try not to do a lot of bad snacking. I will try to snack on veggies instead of junk.…
  • Welcome aboard. Please join in we would love to have you. If you workout every other day that would be great, 4-5 days a week will do just fine. The calendar is a great idea, I have one myself. I do different exercises so it definitely keeps me on track to which one I am suppose to do on what day. And keeps me on track to…
  • Small set backs are no problem as long as you get back on track. We all have them.
  • Hello everyone, how is it going so far? Is it more challenging than you thought? Is it easier than you thought? What are some foods you have been eating and what exercises have you been doing? As for me I do The Firm workout but its setup for 3 days every other day. So on the off days like today I walk/jog using the Wii…
  • Since we started on a Monday, Mondays would be a good a day to weigh in( week by week). Thats how I do mine anyway. And if we end on Christmas Eve then that will also be a Monday so that works out very well.
  • Giving anything up cold turkey is really hard. The best thing to do in my opinion is to come off slowly unless you have the well power to just go cold turkey. If you deprive yourself totally of the things you want you will eventually get that one thing and go overboard. So yes just cut down and at some point you probably…
  • Glad we can be here for you. It will be a great thing for your family to see you extra sexy and extra healthy. What a Christmas present for them and especially for you. Enjoy your trip in a sexy way. LOL
  • Laughing so hard right now. But you can do it. If you have to have something try fruit or veggies. I have fallen in love with sugar snap peas. Very tasty to me any way