She said the protein will help keep me full and stop binging in the afternoons, which it has. I'm just really new to all this I've never had to watch my weight, want to make sure I'm doing the right thing
I trust her, but I like reassurance as well.
I have, she said it will help control cravings, keep me full and stop the afternoon binges... Which it has. I'm finding it hard to get to 180 it's been closer to 150 and even that's a struggle!
I told her my concerns and she answered them, but I was still unsure. I'm so used to eating 1200 calories and doing mindless cardio that this just feels unnatural to me, but of course it isn't
Thanks everyone, I guess I'm just a bit bummed that the scales haven't changed at all. I'm working so freaking hard for what feels like nothing. Usually when I eat well and don't exercise I lose about 400g a day so this is hard for me.
I am, but also aware that the general is just my step.count and not an actual workout. I do try to make sure I'm not eating my calories.
Thanks everyone I usually alternate but Ive always wondered what was better, I generally prefer the eggs :-)
Calorie and good for my body :)
Thanks everyone :-) I have more of an idea now!
Thankyou everyone for the ideas! I love the mini goal idea and other goals not so related to loosing weight :-)
Thanks Megs, i think that is a problem as well. I have a toddler and newborn so im slowly getting back into it :)
sorry kgeyser, im new to alot of this. I dont know wehat you mean by TDEE, im 175cm tall, currently weigh 83kg, want to get down to 73. I only wnt to loose a kilo a week. My intake calorie goal is 1500. Im not weighing / logging any food because i simply dont have time. My baby is exclusively breastfed, and i pan to…
Thankyou Melissa :-)
I currently weigh 82 kilos and want to get down to 70. My goal is to loose weight but of course do it slowly and correctly and without effecting my breastfeeding. Why would I not be loosing any weight? Im exercising every day.
Jump on tumblr and look up "fit". or pinterest. Gets me out the door every time
Thanks, that helped heaps and your advice was exactly the information I needed, thankyou very much:happy:
Thankyou!! :D
Wow so many different responses! Who would of thought weightloss could get so challenging. I usually eat of some, I guess I'll just wing it and see how I go!
Thanks for the advice anyway :)
That is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks!!
50 metres
Thanks rich, I suffer from asthma a fair bit, I dont use it as an excuse but I definately have to pause for about.30 seconds between laps! It all adds up I guess
Thanks, im trying to get as many ideas as I can to get out of this rut im stuck in :(
Thank you :) good excuse to eat more in my opinion, as long as it's good food!
I'm confused, stick to my goal of 1200 calories and keep swimming?
Try a technique called callanetics, google it :) it's very gentle and definitely works, I've tried it.
Thanks for the advice ameria, Im actually eating around 1400 cals but the swimming brings it down to 1000 or just under, I dont mean to eat this much :) would upping my food intake help?