

  • You can totally do it! I am going to be a senior so feel free to friend me and shoot me some messages here and there! I completely understand how hard it is during school to get an actual routine going and then by the time summer rolls around you feel so defeated and as if you have to cram it into those 3 months you have…
  • Jillian Michaels has some great dvds. I would say start out with a lower weight. If you want to tone, less weight and more reps is what you should do. But make sure you choose a weight level so that by the last rep its no longer easy to lift (you dont want to strain but you want to be challenged).…
  • thank you so much!
  • sorry by all summer I mean since the beginning of May (im a college student so thats when summer starts for me) i eat at least 1200-1400 a day, sometimes more when i really hit the gym hard. i burn at least 300 a day from cardio and i weight train. i measure/count everything specifically. thanks for all of your advice so…