

  • Some of the flavors are better than others.. but in general, I like these as a snack, or part of a a quick breakfast. The only thing that bothers me is that whenever I have one, I most certainly will go over my sugar allotment for the day =T
  • Ooh.. I actually find this very interesting. Here's mine: Curvy: - She's on the small/average side of "curvy" imo, but these are the proportions that mean "curvy" to me. Thin: Athletic: - Jamie so epic lol...
  • So awesome! Congrats!! You've worked hard and earned this awesome NSV =] I don't have anything to share yet, as I'm just getting started.. but you are a true inspiration and motivation to stick to things for the long term~
  • *Nodding along to this thread so much my head may fall off* !! =P And the comments like, "You're so little, have a slice of cake or two! Nothing's going to happen!" Uh, no thanks, I'll have what I want, when I want it. And when I do, I'm going to have a food choice worth eating and worth fueling my body with, kthx.…