FinalMedha Member


  • looks really tempting-let's see if anyone has had any good results!
  • Hi! I just joined a few hrs ago! I have also had a lot of problems trying to lose weight- I excercise, do weights, think I ma eating okay(at leats not junk) but find it hard to lose weight! SO i thought I would join this group! everyone has been great! I haven't done an elliptical in months- so after reading what some of…
  • i would love to join the 30 day shred!!::smile:
  • Hi everyone thanks for all your fast responses! Wow!! You are all great! I am still fumbling over trying to add people as friends and reaing the responses! This will keep me away from eating!! Sorry I know that damn food is always on my mind!! CRAZY !
  • Thanks!!! GULP!! Not sure how to use this so bear with me!
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