

  • wait, your setting is 24g of sugar a day!??! that's like atkins. that's so bad for you, go to the settings and change it 150-200g!!
  • nutella has a lot of added sugar. natural pb (like smuckers) has no sugar added! PB ftw!!!
  • IMO, cardio is the best!!! it's a great way to kill time and take your mind off of food, it suppresses your appetite for a good hour, it releases endorphins and boosts self-confidence. I have a huge list on my wall and i read it every time I go work out!
  • reading all your responses makes me feel so silly. you're all right, 5.5 is healthy in a month, and im glad i lost some. it's just ... in the past i was used to losing A LOT in little time...but then again..that didnt work out for me since im back to square 1! :s i'm going to try my hardest to log EVERYTHING i eat. i slack…
  • thanks for the replies ladies. sorry im kinda new here, but i tend to eat like this: days i workout very hard (maybe 2 hours at the gym...LOTS of cardio) i eat little, then the day after i'll workout for maybe 60-80 mins and eat more calories. probably up to 1800. i eat a lot of fruit,eggs, not too many vegs but a decent…
  • oh and my pants dont even feel loose at all. great.