Nutella or Natural Peanut butter?



  • nutella has a lot of added sugar. natural pb (like smuckers) has no sugar added! PB ftw!!!
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    Where do you buy Justin's hazelnut chocolate spread? I'd love to try it.

    Edit: Nevermind, I googled it and the site has a terrific feature that tells you where to buy it in your area!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    natural peanut butter by far (imo).
  • depends on what you are using it for personal preference for my superhealth drink is to blend in some pb2 (plantation powdered peanut butter) Look it is the bomb with far less calories and a whole lot less fat!

    For calorie free food for thought posted daily feel free to friend me ya'll and have a great day!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Almond butter, cashew butter, coconut butter, pumpkin butter, apple butter...??

    There's plenty to choose from! Definitely not limited by choices on the "butter" front :bigsmile: and you can totally make your own and make it fun!

    Cinnamon maple almond butter *drool*... Use the google!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    There's a type of peanut butter called better n' peanut butter which has half the calories as regular, and they make a chocolate variety that has cocoa in it and is delicious!!! Try that for a change over the nutella!!!!

    (I have never tried nutella basically because I know that I would get addicted and its not a healthy food!!!!
  • Natural peanut butter is way healthier, but I still enjoy a spoonful of Nutella once in a while :)
  • VodkaSalad37
    VodkaSalad37 Posts: 66 Member

    If I can eat only one thing for the rest of my life, Nutella would be it.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have never tried Nutella but I've heard that its good. I've been eating the same thing over and over again for breakfast, being 100 cal thomas english muffin with Natural PB. I'm looking to change it up. So I ask you all, which do you like better if you've had both? And which one is better for you? Thanks!

    try some real breakfast foods. fruit, eggs, oatmeal w/ fruit, greek yogurts.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    try almond butter for a change. I buy MaraNatha brand :)

    Almond butter is my fav :)
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I like them both together! Plus bananas inbetween the layers. :love:
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Nutella is yummy but addictive.....I'd stay away from it and just aim for good nut butters. I wouldn't call nutella a healthy's about 200 calories for 2 tbsp. and has a ton of sugar. But I luff it.
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    Natural PB is a staple of my diet. Nutella, not so much.
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I had Nutella at IHOP a couple of weeks ago and was really disgusted with the taste which is odd because I like Hazelnut and Chocolate. I do however, love the all natural Jiff peanut butter.

    Its nice to see someone agree with me about Nutella. I tried it and didnt like it either. Id much rather eat peanut butter. Mmmm!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Natural peanut butter
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    I switch all the time ...right now I'm eating dark chocolate dreams on my morning bagel (choc peanut butter), last week I was eating cashew butter, and sometimes I go for Toffuti better than cream cheese. It doesn't take much of anything to smear a bagel so eat what you like! Most of your nutrition is probably coming from the bagel anyway.
  • I love Nutella, but it's SUPER sweet. I can barely eat a thin layer on a slice of toast.

    If you're looking for something to get yourself out of a breakfast rut try fruits, yogurt (Greek yogurt always fills me up faster than regular!) cereal, or oatmeal. I tend to drink breakfast shakes, but when I feel I'm in need of a change I go for some cereal. My guilty pleasure is the Special K Cinnamon Pecan flavor. ^__^
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    Yum !! I miss Nutella .. :) add me and check out my breakfast if u want !
  • Never tried Nutella, like PB but it does get old. I mix it up w/instant oatmeal but, My favorite right now is homemade egg mcmuffin... 2 egg whites, one slice of Canadian bacon or 1slice of lean deli ham, about one tsp of shredded cheese. Best on the go breakfast! I cook the eggs for 1min in the micro (lower the power a bit b/c it will explode) once eggs are almost done, add the slice of ham and zap it til eggs finished. While these are cooking toast the muffin slightly. put all together and add your cheese in there...
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Nutella has no redeeming nutritional value, unfortunately. Hazelnut butter, yes, nutella, no. I would suggest getting a different nut butter (like almond, cashew) to mix it up.

    Oh nutella, you art delicious. I eat you with a spoon <3