

  • I work 6p-6a for an 8-day stretch at a time. For my tracking of calories, I have 5 headers: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Meal, In Betweens, and Coffee. My schedule goes as follows: I usually get home around 7am, eat a bowl of cereal (In Between) and go to bed. I try to get up before 2pm, so I can eat a light lunch (In Between. And I…
  • I am 25, weigh 198 (started at 212) and I am 5'3". All thru HS I swam and played volleyball and softball. I have a different structure than most. During the "Fat test" in phys ed, my teacher told me that my fat percentage put me in the "obese, not active" category... Which was clearly not the case. My BMI in HS told me I…