

  • Women tend to have a harder time trying to lose the weight than men. There a few factors that may be preventing you from achieving your goal weight. The first thing you need to do is finding out whats your body type (Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph) because just like your right hand is different from your left, not two…
  • Its not a dumb question you are asking here. We all learn from each other. The most important aspect when it comes to calories intake to achieve your results is, knowing your body type. Not all calories are equal and not all bodies are equal. Once you determine your body type you can custom tailor your nutrition plan to…
  • I just wanted to add that, maybe you want to measure yourself and compare those numbers to your previous measurements. I think this can help you track your progress. I know you want to see progress but, don't only measure it by the scale. I hope this helps.