I just entered my name. I will put my actual weighs in on Wednesdays since that is my normal day to weigh in fo rme. Let's GO!!
Google the Dr. Oz shopping list. It will give you a large assortment of items and you can create awesome meals. I love using his list and adding new foods to my list weekly!
Great Job!! I am in my transition as well, and hopefully my story will be able to inspire someone else! Keep up the great work!
Oooppppsss! LOL, I will repost on the 30th with what my weight will be then. I am sure I will lose some more weight by then!
I'm In! Here are my Stats: 1. Pics are on my page 2. Starting Weight: 263.4 (As of 1-18-2012) I want that giftcard! LOL! Go team Go!
Ok, I have met some great people too! LOL Chrisette Michelle (R&B Singer) Jamie Foxx Tom Joyner (Radio Host)
I am a true snaker as well. So what helps me, and may seem crazy to you and others, I portion out all of my snacks when I bring them in the house. Example, my chips or cereal i portion to serving size ont he box into snack size baggies and place the bags back in the box. When I am craving or in a rush I will know I had the…
Count me in! I am 5'7 and cuurently weigh 265.40 pounds. By valentines day, I would like to be down 10-12 pounds. That is 2 pounds a week and I am sure I can do it! Thanks for the challange!! :happy:
Hi! I have a goal of just being healthy and a friend and I have given ourselves a challange to lose 2 pounds a week for 35 weeks. This ends on my birthday, so i am aiming to be inching down in pounds when my brithday comes around. My brother is getting married in December and I want to be in a much smaller dress than a…