

  • Thanks for the suggestions! I guess I had "wishful thinking"...I thought that I could eat the same things just a little less. I will definitely read the ingredients more and substitute more protein for carbs. Good luck to you guys, too!
  • Help!!! I keep going over in the "carbs" column. How can I get filled up and/or change my diet so that I don't go over? Thanks!
  • I definitely have some work to do in order to learn about what is healthier for me and will fill me up. I think that I need to work on portion size, too. Thank you for your suggestions...I love fruits and veggies, I will need to include more of those and less of the other stuff!
  • Wow, you've lost 19 pounds since Oct! Kudos to you! Thanks for the water suggestion! I realized that I drank NO water today, just diet coke. I will definitely have to do better in that department.
  • Thank you! I like your idea of planning my meals ahead. I will try that tomorrow. Thanks for the encouragement! Good luck to you!
  • I just signed up and I'm nervous! Can I do this? It feels like a huge hurdle. How do I cut down on my calories? How do I lose a pound a week? I over ate today per the calorie counter. Is anyone out there in the same boat?
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