

  • I have a couple simple suggestions. Give up table salt and switch to Celtic Sea Salt and go Paleo. Eat eggs, fish, chicken, meat, plus fruits, non-starchy veggies plus sweet potatoes, and healthy fats like avocados and nuts and olive oil. Read the book It Starts With Food and do the Whole 30 to really simplify and get what…
  • I like the Seaweed snacks in the chip aisle. I buy their raw nuts to make my own nut butter and to bake and cook with. I buy their coconut milk and coconut cream, their frozen berries and sugar free chocolate bars. They have great avocados and I get their bacon with no nitrites or nitrates.
  • I agree with a portion of what has been said here. I eat Paleo style and avoid grains of all kinds most of the time. Even oats are not the best choice. Here's an example of a low carb Granola recipe. I have several of Maria's books and love preparing…
  • I belong to this group on facebook and find it very helpful. The women in the group are all low carb and can help you a lot. Here is a book about fat fasting and the research behind it. It includes lots…
  • You might want to perform some interval cardio training 1-3 times per week for 30-60 minutes. You can use any cardio machine and get going at a moderate pace. Then go faster or raise the incline or resistance and increase your heart rate to a higher rate while you are huffing and puffing for 1-2 minutes. Then cut back to…
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