trslyn Member


  • I'm doing it! i started on sunday. today was day 3... i noticed i had so much more endurance today!
  • Did any of you take before pics? I did... hoping that there is a noticeable difference at the end :)
  • I started 30DS yesterday! I'll be your work out buddy :) How did it go today? I was shocked that I actually got up this morning and did it (i have NEVER worked out early in the morning). It was daylight savings time so that may have helped! I'm using 2lb weights. It was hard but being only 20 minutes makes it manageable…
  • Great idea, walking is totally a manageable thing for me :) I'm doing the 30 Day Shred. So far I actually am enjoying it (despite my whole body being sore). I'm trying to like exercise.... I know I just have to find the right one for me! another BIG motivator, is starting in 2012 my company is going to start paying for 50%…
  • thanks girls... i will start doing that. I never really thought I had to because I feel like I eat healthy-ish, but I'm sure it will be eye opening if i calculate every little thing. off to download that app.... thanks!