crobertson87 Member


  • I have had great success with south beach on and off. I went on SBD while in college and lost about 35 lbs and kept it off for a couple of years. Now, since having been diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance, my dr. prescribed a low GI diet, and said that SBD is one of the best. Been back on about a month, but having a…
  • $80 a week strict budget for my husband and I. I carry my list and my little calculator around the store with me. This includes hubby's diet soda ( I rarely drink them anymore) and any incidentals we need that week (toothpaste, cleaning supplies etc.) It gets tricky at times. On the weeks I know we need a lot of fresh…
  • I seriously want to buy this system. i'm currently in the middle of 30 day shred. Lost 2 inches already and so happy with my results I want to keep going!. 120 is a lot to spend on a workout system, so to show my husband i'm serious about all this and not 'throwing away' 120, I ordered ripped in 30 and blast fat and boost…
  • When you keep MFP logged in all day on your work computer When you plan your entire 'eating day' before 7 am to make sure you will come in under goal Having to 'search' for a healthy snack that will use up those pesky left-over calories so you meet goal before exercise Going to the grocery store way more often than you…
  • Im on day 3 of level 2, and its not so much my shins killing me as my shoulders, back, and arms! I have found though, on a happy note, that I can sink down into a total squat while I work out and keep moving for almost the entire 30 seconds of each cardio set! Hopefully, by the end of level 2 I can stay in a plank position…
  • I will be doing this one tonight after shift....then getting back up at 4:30am.
  • Put it with bit of salsa, black beans, corn and maybe a little taco seasoning and make tacos. Or instead of tacos, serve it as a skillet type dish with a little bit of whole wheat pasta!
  • EVERYTHING! LOL just kidding, but i use it quite a bit. My favorite new way is to make mac and cheese with wheat pasta (2c) 4 wedges laughting cow cheese, 2 slices fat free kraft singles, two tbsp. fat free sour cream, and a little spinach and tomato. it makes a huge amt (like 6 servings or so). My husband loves it!
  • SW: 248 CW: 218 GW: 150 Calories: 1200 Breakfast: Oat Bran Cereal with banana or strawberries or Michalena's Lean Gourmet Breakfast stuffed biscuits (when I'm on the run) Midmorning snack: Kroger Carb Master Yogurt (Delicious flavors and only 60 cals and 4 carbs per container!) Lunch: Subway 6inch sandwich, salad or…
  • I made these last night and everyone LOVED them! My husband threatened to eat the whole pan. They are light and fluffy and sweet and delicious and will become a staple in my house now I'm sure LOL
  • Love sweet potatoes as well as portabella mushrooms! My husband and I have had them in 3 different recipes this week!
  • I have never seen this and it is so cute and so true written out that way. Makes me want to make a big poster for my kitchen!
  • Awesome ladies! So glad to have new friends!
  • I have a package in my fridge. They just sit there, always looking at me when I open the fridge door. Very intimidating. I have no idea what to do with them!
  • I was trying to watch at work, but we kept getting busy!! I'm going to have to run straight home and set the DVR!! I'm so confused!
  • I always joke with my friends and husband that I eat for every emotion! LOL more so lately it's been boredom. On my day off, if I don't plan something to keep me out of the house for most of the day then I end up snacking ALL DAY.
  • just today at work we made wonderful portabella fajita tacos! 1 portabella mushroom cap sliced half bag tri-color peppers half onion slice into strips saute above ingredients and serve in ezekiel wheat tortillas with black beans and corn this recipe made enough for 4 loaded tacos that were very, very filling! I also have a…
  • Feeling great so far! It's not that hard, and it seems I can eat all day long and not exceed (by much) my calorie goals. Have a HUGE whole foods shopping list for this week! It also helps having a few people at work doing the same thing! Excellent Book too, really easy read that cleared up a lot of questions. Read it in a…
  • This is a great idea! Please add me to the member list!
  • count me in please!! already had valentine's on the mind! Been stalled out at 223 since thanksgiving, but my goal is to be at 200 by valentine's. Might not be attainable now, but I'll sure give it the ol' college try! LOL
  • I restarted this morning so i'll be a couple days ahead, but I'd love some company and Motivation. It's tough!!
  • I'm In! 20 by Christmas would be heavenly :)
  • Wow! I'm seeing now I could have left the water out totally. Next time im going to do that, and I am soooo going to make your icing and maybe just drizzle it on there. Thanks for letting me know that!
  • Thanks Everyone I am super excited and still kinda terrified!! I will def take before pics and mesurements!! Thanks for all the support!
  • Thank you all for the advice. I think I should try it this way for a while, then If it's not working for me after a couple of weeks, I'll go back to once a day. You guys are the best.