Shirtaki/Miracle Noodles?

Anyone have some good recipies for the "miracle" noodles? I like to just make a stirfy with them. Im going today to get some shrimp, noodles, carrot, beansprout, and some chilli sauce and FEAST on a good meal.

For people who do not know about these noodles....:


  • crobertson87
    crobertson87 Posts: 34 Member
    I have a package in my fridge. They just sit there, always looking at me when I open the fridge door. Very intimidating. I have no idea what to do with them!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I have a package in my fridge. They just sit there, always looking at me when I open the fridge door. Very intimidating. I have no idea what to do with them!

    well what I do is wrinse them a couple times in HOT water (it soaks in something odd....). And then throw in in a saute pan, and make a stirfry with some yummy sauce. Cute noodles with sissors cause they are long.
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    I like to saute them in a pan on high for a good 5-10 minutes. (No oils/butters) It dries them out and gets rid of the slimmyness. (That a word?) Anyway, I then usually make them into spaghetti with Waldens Farms pasta sauce and a bit of meat and spices. I've made mac and chz with them, too. Oh yeah, and pasta chicken Alfredo.

    FYI - You don't need to buy the "Miracle Noodles". There available at most Asian grocery stores for like a buck a pack. The only thing Miracle Noodle can give you is the rice version, which I think kind of sucks. It's nothing like rice. More like tapioca balls.