My strength training is as follows: 2 sets, 10 reps: - Chest - Bench Press (Incline) - Chest - Bench Press (Flat) - Chest - Bench Press (Decline) - Back - Lat Pull Down (Wide) - Back - Lat Pull Down (Close) - Back - Seated Row 2 sets, 20 reps: - Back - Shrug - Core - Crunches - Core - Back Extensions Other days: - Core…
Current: - Functional cycling at 14-16 mph (vigorous) for 30 minutes to Uni, and 30 minutes back twice a week. - Walking to an from the shops three times a week or so at 2.5 mph (leisurely) for 20 minutes. Beginning this week: I've download the 'couch to 5k' app on my iphone and plan on starting tomorrow. The first session…
Mistype. I've fixed it. Thanks.
Quick addition... When I said fish has 30g of protein for 100g of meat, I was referring to Tuna. Other varieties will almost certainly be different.
Background information: Protein is used within the body as a basic building block, much like the bricks of a house. Consisting of linear chains of amino acids, your body (and any living animal) will get a hold of these acids to generate more protein that it uses to build or maintain the body with. As a general rule of…
I take a single multi vitamin (Centrum) every morning with breakfast as backup. If I don't happen to make the RDI (recommended dietary intake) of a particular vitamin or mineral, chances are the multi vitamin will help fill the gap. From what I've read, you can overdose on certain minerals or vitamins, but you have to be…