

  • I am a lady with extremely defined 6 pack abs and obliques. I like keeping my two cents simple, so here it is: 1. Genetics 2. Low bodyfat 3. Always keep a tight core in all of your resistance training 4. Good ab workout with a bit of weight, there are some stability ball exercises on youtube and some floor curnches using a…
  • There are variables not spoken here so that makes it difficult to fully address these concerns. I can tell you that it will take a good 4-6 weeks on adhering to a good plan to see some good solid results. 2 weeks is not a reasonable amount of time to expect results. Patience. There is no instant fix.
  • If it is plain, add 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/4 of blue, black, or strawberries and a tablespoon of granola. tastes wonderful and great for you!!