

  • I have been doing low carb, high protein for 10 weeks now. I lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks following a healthy choices plan consisting of high protein / low carbs. I will be honest and tell you that I gained 5 lbs over the holidays just because I was not as strict on myself during social parties but I am getting back on board as…
  • WOW !!! Thanks for sharing......As I was just sitting here thinking that I wanted a soda sooo bad, (but have not had one in over 2 weeks). I will NOT be drinking another soda !!!!! This story just put it all into light for me!!! Thanks again!!!
  • Great Job!!!! You look fabulous!!! Way to go!!! I am new to this lifestyle change....I started Oct 10th. My cousin is my inspiration who has lost over 100 lbs in a year and is doing great!! But now that I have seen this.......I know it can be done and I want to be a success story as well!!!! I have lost 12lbs in my first…