Great Low Carb Foods?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    The OP was asking for suggestions on what to eat to specifically lose belly fat, based on something they were told. I was correcting that bit of misinformation. Cutting carbs is a way to achieve caloric deficit, but that's all it does, any other method of achieving a caloric deficit will have the same results, barring some sort of metabolic health issue.
  • TGoodman1971
    I have been doing low carb, high protein for 10 weeks now. I lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks following a healthy choices plan consisting of high protein / low carbs. I will be honest and tell you that I gained 5 lbs over the holidays just because I was not as strict on myself during social parties but I am getting back on board as of today!!!
    Things to stay away from are fried or breaded foods,bread,candy,cookies,grains,rice,pasta,cereal, crackers,chips,fruit juices, beans,corn, yams,sweet potatoes, winter squash,imitation crab and alcohol is not recommended.......
    Fruits and vegetables are good for you,however fruits should be eaten in moderation if you are watching calories and carbs.
    Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!!
  • peasgarden
    peasgarden Posts: 148 Member
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    If you're really struggling with fat in that area despite watching what you eat and you are still including cereals and could be possible you don't process wheat well. I had this problem, despite calorie counting ad exercise. I dropped wheat and other processed carbs and lost about 16lb inthe first tummy is down 13".

    Maybe worth trying?