

  • My doc told me to eat my carbs early in the day for fuel, and my protein later in the evening for rebuilding. It makes sense if you think about it. Your body needs carbohydrates to run, and if you eat carbs and then go right to bed, carbs turn right into fat. If you eat protein and then go to bed a little while later, it's…
  • yeah.......i put on 10 freaking pounds.....yes, 10. so little tracker is never going to move at this rate. Trying not to get too down on myself, because all that's going to do is send me to the freezer in search of some ben & jerry's.
  • Hello! I'm Abby, I'm 32 and I live in Cleveland. I've been fat for as long as I can remember, and all the self-loathing that goes with it. I've yo-yo'd up and down many times. My highest weight being 298 (when pregnant) and my lowest being 193 (albeit briefly). I had laparascopic banding 2 years ago, and was thrilled. I…