is it better to this or that....

as of right now i'm on a 1200 cal diet and i've started working out for at least an hour a day, what i've noticed i'm doing is saving all my cals towards dinner time and i usually work out in the mornings. so my question is this :) is it better to eat in the morning or is it ok to save my meal for at night (is there a difference) and it is better to work out in the morning or at night? thank guys


  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    If you are working out an hour a day, you should be earning a good number of exercise calories. You eat those exercise calories back, and you will have enough calories for a sensible breakfast and lunch. You ARE supposed to eat, you know.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    as of right now i'm on a 1200 cal diet and i've started working out for at least an hour a day, what i've noticed i'm doing is saving all my cals towards dinner time and i usually work out in the mornings. so my question is this :) is it better to eat in the morning or is it ok to save my meal for at night (is there a difference) and it is better to work out in the morning or at night? thank guys

    If you are happy doing it that way, continue.

    Less calories taken in than you use up, doesn't really matter which way round you do it all.

    Personally, I find it difficult to train in the mornings, I am a slow starter lol.

    Regarding that meal at night you are talking of, it is nice to have that to look forward to and if your whole plans are working, don't change them.
  • Pokorny63
    thanks guys :)
  • abbylamb
    My doc told me to eat my carbs early in the day for fuel, and my protein later in the evening for rebuilding. It makes sense if you think about it. Your body needs carbohydrates to run, and if you eat carbs and then go right to bed, carbs turn right into fat. If you eat protein and then go to bed a little while later, it's not so easy to just turn it into fat, and your body can use it for muscle.

    Right now, if what you're doing is working for you, I say stick with it. But if you plateau out, it might be worth switching it up a bit.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    It doesn't make a lot of difference when you first start out. Just being in a deficit will get you losing. If it works...don't fix it. The important thing is to eat less and move more. After you have lost about half of what you want to lose, then you might want to re-assess and do some fine tuning to your nutrition and exercise. Don't make it harder than it already is.:ohwell: