sazidelbi Member


  • Your body has probably become accustomed to your regime and so knows how to expend less energy when you undertake activities. Try a new kind of physical activity, which will add some variety and can often shock your body into burning again. Or if you don't have time try, change your current activities to varieties of…
  • UK contribution! - they're amazing and do ship internationally. Not cheap but great quality and choice!
  • A really great beginner to 5km training programme can be found here - I used their plan for a half-marathon and it was really useful. Yoga is always intensely beneficial. I would recommend Ashtanga over Hatha for runners. Finally, for building mental stamina, I…
  • Dehyrdration and the loss of essential body salts. I see you're from UK, so pop down to Boots and pick up Dioralyte (it's normally associated with a hangover cure!!). One sachet with water and within 15 minutes you should feel fine again. If it doesn't work, then perhaps see your GP.
  • I used to find the problem with DVDs was that I would get bored because you can only watch the same 20-30 minute work out so many times. However, I found that Claire Sweeney's Perfect Fit DVD was the best for getting around this. Really good for beginners, with sufficient expansion for when you get more fit. The work outs…
  • I'm from England so the rubbish weather is pretty standard. Firstly, consider switching your trainers to trail runners. They have more nobbly bits at the base which will improve your grip to the road/ground surface in wet weather. Secondly, you can get thermal base layer, which is long sleeved and will keep you warm when…