

  • Thanks for your help - I am eating around 1200 calories a day but get like another 700 after exercise just wanted to know whether you should use them up
    in Any advice? Comment by Lea10 August 2010
  • When i had my baby I breastfed for two months and it did me a world of good it pulls all your muscles inside your body and tightens you back to your normal self, i lost loads of weight after I had my baby.
  • Thanks. I thought if u ate the workout calories then are you actually loosing weight its like exercising to go and eat them then im confused???
  • Hi. I think everyone has days when they are naughty and have treats or too much of the wrong foods. Just forget about how bad you have been blame it on working and not being well and just get back on track starting from Monday. I have one day a week which is a Saturday night where I have a drink and a treat i eat well all…
  • Hi I dont eat my workout calories I just consume 1200 a day some days its below that and I am loosing weight fast
  • [
    in Help!!! Comment by Lea10 June 2010
  • hiya! thats good! how many calories was u consuming a day? are you staying below your daily allowance
    in Newish! Comment by Lea10 June 2010
  • What exercise are you doing? god 8 pound in a week is great
    in Newish! Comment by Lea10 June 2010
  • I stick to below 1200 calories I wouldn't eat your exercise calories because your not benefiting then you want to be doing exercise to loose the pounds not to loose weight to eat the exercise calories if that makes sense.
    in Please help Comment by Lea10 June 2010
  • Thanks
  • you can add dairy products in your diet like milk, cheese, yoghurts etc that will bring your calorie intake up also eat healthy snacks like fruit, raw veg etc that will add goodness to your diet and also give you a healthy balanced diet!
  • Oh god thats a tricky one, i love indian food thats one thing i am going to miss while being on a diet i look forward to it on a saturday night! Try to stay away from the rich, creamy meals like korma, tikka masala as they are full of calories and fat. Look up on the net whats the healthy options while having a indian!
  • Different types of salads, chicken, different meats etc..... or pasta dishes with cold meats etc