

  • I simply will not count points using the new system. Free fruit?? Whoah! I'm a compulsive over eater and proud member of Over Eaters Anonymous - don't try telling me fruit is free - I'll surely over eat it. If the weigh-ins and meetings are helping you, don't quit. Just use one of the older counting methods, where fruits…
  • HI! Welcome. Foods that help me are foods that keep my blood sugar level. Foods that are high in fiber, like lots of veggies, beans, lean poultry, low fat dairy, whole grains, some fruit and healthy fat do the trick for me. Basically a nice balance of clean, wholesome, healthy food. I avoid alcohol, sugar, white flour,…
  • Good morning! Good for you recognizing your eating disorder and taking steps towards recovery. I don't come around here often, but I'd be happy to support you. My email is *************. If you put "MFP" or "My FitnessPal" in the subject line, I'll know who you are ; ) I recently realized the reason I keep gaining and…
  • Hi! I'm having a blast playing with this site! I've been counting WW points for almost six months - but was always curious to see how it equated to calories & protein intake. I'm so impressed that all the foods I eat are listed in their database. I'm hoping to maintain my 52 pound weight loss ONCE AND FOR ALL!! I don't go…
  • I'm 52 yrs old, 5'3" and currently weigh 129 lbs. My BMI is normal, my blood work is excellent and my energy level is sky-high! I've always had trouble maintaining - so my current goal is to maintain this number (give or take a couple of pounds.) Everyone is very different in terms of the number on the scale - you must go…