rlwart Member


  • I'm attempting to connect MFP to Fitbit and have Fitbit push the calories to Real Appeal. I'm not sure how it will work.
  • How are people doing on Real Appeal? My first meeting is coming up. I'm trying to link MFP to Fitbit to Real Appeal because the Real Appeal app doesn't work with my phone.
  • "Using the 10000 steps = 1 mile conversion (I realize it's rough, especially for shorter people like me), that's maybe one and a quarter miles." 10,000 = 5 miles. 2,000 to 2,500-ish steps = 1 mile, but it all depends on how long your legs are. Anyway I love Leslie Sansone.
  • I read the same thing but with green beans. If you're not hungry enough to eat green beans... I tell myself this a lot. Apples are probably a better thing to hold up, though, because they are delicious. I always get those little snacky Jazz apples, they're always around and they're a small size, very crunchy and have a…
  • 6553 steps for the day
  • Here is my link to two weeks of grocery lists in google docs and the recipes with links. https://www.facebook.com/wainwrightlauren/posts/10208144143067630
  • I'm the only one in my house who is trying to eat really healthy. I have a 1 and a 3 year old who do like specific veggies prepared in specific ways, but if you sit a zucchini boat on their plate it had better be on a pile of mac 'n cheese if you want them to eat anything. How do you go about affording to eat right for…
  • Ooooh found it, now I know how to post without quoting someone else.
  • Can't figure out how to post by myself on a Nook but I'm in....def. not going outside (sorry dogs) its Iowa, its about 12 degrees out. Scared to fall on all the sidewalk ice! Need to teach dog to use treadmill too. Walking with Leslie Sansone & on treadmill. Charging up the neglected Fitbit.
  • Seriously wear 2 bras! I have a larger bra size and I have two bras I usually don't wear, but I wear them together and it really does help keep the girls in line.
  • I saw one article that said cream of tartar dissolved in water could help since it is potassium, however another article said don't do that since it interferes with certain medications. I'm so off track today I just hope to do better tomorrow. Glad tomorrow is a new un-salty-food day.
  • I believe "if every day was like today" means, if you ate the same calories. On days I eat under my goal I get a low number, and on days I eat right at goal, I get a more realistic number. On days I eat way under my goal I get a note "you are going to starve, in five weeks you will be dead!" ... not really, but whatever.…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3088-eating-for-future-you
  • There's a group here on MFP called Eating for the Future You (or me) I don't remember exactly, and we do just this, we eat the calories for maintaining the goal weight. More than 1200 in most cases, I assume.
  • I totally agree with this, real world people look like you and me, therefore they should be grateful for the chance to experience working with imperfection before it comes up in real life. You are doing your best here and I am proud of you. Which essentially means nothing because I'm a complete stranger, right? So if other…
  • I'm a sub too! I wish I was hard core, could somebody define that? And post instructions? Or make an immunization or something, some hard core pills I could take? I just have too much fun and then they think I'm "nice" or "cool" which bugs me because I'd rather they think I'm horrible. :p Seriously. Any hints to being hard…
  • Also, on average from March 2 through today, my calorie burn is 2546. Does that mean I'm supposed to be eating more?
  • You look great. Most people (if they are sane) are going to be thinking how great you look compared to them, and then they'll maybe feel a tiny bit better that you aren't "perfect" because you have that scar, therefore the scar is actually performing a public service. You'll be doing people a favor letting them see that…
  • I've been doing WW on and off since 6th grade, and I'm turning 40 this year, and it is still my go-to method for weight loss. Truly the PointsPlus version is extremely frustrating, but looking at protein, carbs, fat and fiber is nutritionally a sound method of figuring the nutritional value of a food, and tells us way more…
  • I was really excited about the BodyMedia FIT armband system so I bought one. I think it's a great investment in my health. I have been scrupulous in my food choices and log everything as accurately as possible. Over the past 28 days, I've burned an average total of 2519 calories per day including rest, moderate and…
  • I just looked at the numbers again. It looks like since the 29th I have actually lost one lb per week on average. But it goes like a yo yo. In all that time I've been: 187 on Feb 28 183 on March 3 187 on March 5 181 on March 10 184 today March 16
  • You're right. If he expects you to cook (or prepare food) every night for both of you then by all means prepare two servings of whatever you throw together, which will not take more time or energy than one serving. I do cook, but what I cook is what I feel like fixing, therefore the rest of the family eats whatever I tell…
  • Greetings, my name is Lauren and I am here to introduce myself with this thought: When a person says "muscle weighs more than fat" are they really stating that a specific pound of muscle weighs more than a specific pound of fat? Or is it more like, the thigh in my leg which is solid muscle+bone+skin, for sure weighs more…
  • Oatmeal is high carb with not enough fiber or protein to split the difference. Plus, nobody eats plain oatmeal, they put other high carb stuff in it so it tastes like dessert.
  • My transient, hypothyroid-relevant weather report is: + 1 lb This is okay because I never really count a pound as "gone" until I lose the next 2lbs after it. To explain my thought process: truthfully I was 183 when I weighed, and I recorded that, but I never believe that. Over the course of a few days the number went up to…
  • Did they really say that to be horrible? (And if they did, doesn't it say more about them than it does about you?) Especially if they don't know you, obviously they have no reason to be mean to you, you didn't key their car or run over their dog or steal their high school boyfriend. So they're just being nice. Think about…
  • Thank you by the way for all the work you're doing. My brain doesn't currently think this way but I'm studying! Checked out your profile and YES babies turn into little people to keep up with... excuse me while I go do that now!
  • You can do the same thing with your metabolism. This situation also shows what it took to get back to normal level, and even during that process, lost 5 lbs, and a bit more fat. After medications and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and diabetes where ruled out, the final diagnosis was over-training and…
  • It happened to me too. I think for every five I lose I either gain them all back or one comes back. I'm hypothyroid. My dr. said "I've never met a skinny hypothyroid person" --- yeah thanks for that! So far I've lost 7 but I suspect I've gained one back. And last year I think I lost 20 and then they came back. But…