

  • How long have you been going at it ? I didn't lose weight by the scale for the first three months....I gained a whole lot of muscle and lost a lot of inches. one pound of fat is 3500 calories, so to lose one pound in a week it means cutting out 3500 calories in a week.... And I agree with the sodium. The main thing is to…
  • oh I hear it all the time time...even from people who are smaller than I's hard to take it as a compliment though because It usually comes along with "you're looking gaunt" ...... and the silly thing is, I'm 145, not even trying to lose anymore weight....I've been maintaining for a few months and working on body…
  • yeah, I agree....your carbs are set way low....besides, carbs are not the enemy here....but refined sugar is !!!!!! you may want to cut down on those and increase your protein.....for example, processed cereals are high in sodium and sugar....instead of eating those cold cereals, why not try eating plain oatmeal with fresh…
  • I am so incredibly happy.....Like another poster said on here, this morning, I too, was dancing around my living room, looking in every mirror i could....I also cannot believe this is me ! For years I think I was actually depressed, and eating to make myself feel better, but feeling ashamed because I had binged! One day I…
  • Singfree...this is good to hear....I love the program too...I'm only on Day 4 and I'm at the point of swearing at that pull-up bar, LOL....but I still very much like the program !!! I took the yoga for granted at first...that is extreme yoga!!! My husband was really sweating with it too and he has amazing muscle control !