

  • Don't feel too horrible....two days ago, I went 500 over my cals, and today i went more than a thousand over (thanks olive garden!!! and my parents anniversary dinner) i too feel like i just cant eat enough here lately, and im only 24. i think it may have something to do with the fact that i have gotten my body used to…
  • RED CREME OREOS!!!! well technically i didnt really resist, i only ate two instead of the as many as i normally do- which is the whole package.... but i ate two pieces of pizza and a cheesy bread stick at my friends house...oops... hey i was hungry, my stomach was growling.... but i came home and exercised! *GRIN* instead…
  • Well, number one, I have a 3 year old son, number two were getting a puppy for my 3 year old son....and number three im thinking about volunteering at a pet shelter.... wonder what thats gonna get me :D lol i mean as far as calories per day