Suunflwr37 Member


  • haha! apparently we think alike! :)
  • If you have time to make food in advance - breakfast burritos are great! Eggs are an awesome way to start the morning! You can put whatever you want in them to make them have as few or many calories as you want. And you can just heat them up before you leave. :)
  • I am in love with the Grape flavor!! So good! And it is nice and light - not overly sweet like some can be. But I do only put 1 packet in a 24oz waterbottle (same with all of the mixes.. they are just too strong mixed with the "recommended" amount of water). :)
  • I'd say you are doing great! That much of a measurement change in less than a month??? I would be celebrating like crazy with those results!!!! Weight gain could be water retention.... gaining muscle.... basically anything. The fact that you are losing inches says a lot. The scale will catch up. And if it doesn't... just…
  • I work in a multi-level building and I always take the stairs to another floor for what I need (bathroom/kitchen/copy machine/etc). Also, I've started walking on the treadmill (I have one at home) for 10 minutes each night. Often it turns into more time, but even if I'm super busy, and I only walk for 10 minutes - that's…
  • I am feeling the exact same way. It took me months to lose 10 pounds.. Then I stayed the same weight for 3 weeks and today I was up 3 pounds. It is sooooo frustrating! I'm trying to lose weight "normally" - and by this I mean that I'm not crazy about working out for hours a day and eating only salads - because I know that…