leahlyn Member


  • Good luck HOLLY!!!! YAY for being done with school and the weight you have already lost!!
  • I am! We did IVF 4 years ago for our daughter and we have since done 3 more IVF's and an FET, and had an 8w miscarriage and other chemical pregnancies. So, we're still trying, but on our own. We were diagnosed with unexplained IF. :( I want to lose the 40 lbs I put on ttc! We have been ttc for 8 years come October, but…
  • I am the same way!!! I watch my carbs very carefully but fruits always send me over on tbe sugars and I have been wondering how anyone can stay under their sugars when they eat fruit! I'm not woried about protein...just like you I'm always over too. I almost want to change my settings so I don't see sugars anymore! Keep it…
  • calorieking.com is a good place to look. I had the actual pocket version book before all the websites out there popped up.