Freakin annoying!

I am literally ALWAYS over on my sugar and protein daily goals.. its mainly sugar from fruit and protein from eggs though.. should i be cutting down on the fruit and getting my 5 a day from veg instead? i dont get thissssss so frustrating because ive been doing so much exercise compared to what i used to do and so much has changed in my diet that im kinda gutted ive not lost more than i have at this point so is it because im always over that im not losing as much?


  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi! Your diary is set to private, so it's hard to say for sure. But, I think it's how much you're over that matters most. I would guess that it's less of a problem to be over in protein than over in sugar...
  • You should definitely be eating lots of fruits and veggies both. Not just one or the other.

    But to your body, sugar is sugar is sugar. It does not differentiate between sugar from fruit, candy, milk, or bread. What matters is that sugar from fruit is coupled with the fiber in the fruit which helps your body digest it slower and therefore not causing you an energy surge then crash.

    Don't worry about being over on protein. That isn't a problem unless it's literally blowing your calorie intake out of the water.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Without the ability to see your diary...? The question becomes moot. Protein overage is fine. Sugar much of it is refined or procssed sugar vs fruit?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    MFP puts all sugars together so if you eat any fruit it will put you over. Unless you have a reason to be avoiding sugar just ignore it or turn that off and switch to something useful to know like fiber. You'd have a hard time eating too much protein so I'm assuming you're using the MFP set up numbers.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I go over most of my macros on a daily basis, and I'm still losing.

    There are a lot of people here that swear by the IIFYM method, but I find it difficult to cumbersome to focus so much on those numbers instead of just my net cals.

    Also, MFP counts all sugars, whether they be natural (like from fruits) or processed - I believe the number they have is meant to be processed sugars only, or something like that. I've seen many people make similar comments on forums answering the same question as yours.

    Overall, I don't think it matters if you are over your macros so long as you are still hitting or slightly under/over your net cal goal for the day.
  • SpookyElectric
    SpookyElectric Posts: 56 Member
    You're absolutely fine! I am exactly the same with sugar and I was told that pretty much, don't worry about it unless you have diabetes or another reason to monitor sugar levels. I removed it from my macros and replaced with saturated fat, as I would rather keep any eye on that! I feel much happier not seeing those angry red numbers in the sugar column every day. :o)

    Protein - you're still within your calories, and you'll need the protein for all the exercise you're doing. Fat and calories are the ones you don't really want to go over - the rest isn't such an issue.

    It can be slow and a bit disheartening at first after making such big changes to your lifestyle, but stick in there, you WILL see the benefits!
  • leahlyn
    leahlyn Posts: 5 Member
    I am the same way!!! I watch my carbs very carefully but fruits always send me over on tbe sugars and I have been wondering how anyone can stay under their sugars when they eat fruit! I'm not woried about protein...just like you I'm always over too. I almost want to change my settings so I don't see sugars anymore!

    Keep it long as you stay in calorie range and eat a wide variety of fruits, veggies and lean are doing great!....What is your daily calorie goal and do you eat back your workout calories?
  • caitlinahepburn
    caitlinahepburn Posts: 11 Member
    thanks guys, yeah my diary is set to just friends i just realised haha - i get yous and its not much over to be honest with the sugar but it is always over so i was just concerned and thought the weight loss was being slowed down because of that. im never over on anything else other than my sugar and protein and the protein is ALWAYS from eggs or fish or chicken. Still frustrating though :P
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    MFP's macros are naturally set very low. There is nothing wrong with going over sugar and protein, especially protein.
    As others have stated, if you want to track macros, track carbs rather than sugar itself.

    Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. The amount of sugar irrelevant.

    Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • caitlinahepburn
    caitlinahepburn Posts: 11 Member
    My calorie goal is set at 1200 just now which was recommended by my doc, (i put on a LOT of my wight from the different medications that ive been on - 3 and a half stone in 5 months!!!!!!) in order to get the weight back off and i try my hardest not to eat back my calories, makes me feel incredibly guilty eating them back haha i often feel like ive just done a work out for nothing if i eat after it, i do a lot of spin classses but they are usually the last thing i do in a day because of work and schedules n stuff.
  • caitlinahepburn
    caitlinahepburn Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you guyssssss dont feel so bad now :)
  • Without the ability to see your diary...? The question becomes moot. Protein overage is fine. Sugar much of it is refined or procssed sugar vs fruit?

    irrelevant unless we care because of calorie count.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    My calorie goal is set at 1200 just now which was recommended by my doc, (i put on a LOT of my wight from the different medications that ive been on - 3 and a half stone in 5 months!!!!!!) in order to get the weight back off and i try my hardest not to eat back my calories, makes me feel incredibly guilty eating them back haha i often feel like ive just done a work out for nothing if i eat after it, i do a lot of spin classses but they are usually the last thing i do in a day because of work and schedules n stuff.

    You should be netting 1200, not just eating 1200. If you are set at 1200 then you need to eat the calories back. If you don't fee comfortable eating them all back then eat 60% back. 1200 calories is quite low for most people unless you have a medical condition there is no reason to eat so low when you exercise. Ask your doctor about that.

    The whole point is to build a healthy relationship with food. Keep in mind you are making a lifetime change. What I mean by that is you want to lose weight, well I'm quite sure you want to keep it off too. In the long run, you will want to eat things you enjoy and enough to give you the energy needed to go though your workout/daily activities. Restricting is never a good idea in the long run. Keep in mind all in moderation is good. don't feel guilty eating calories back, your body needs it
  • My calorie goal is set at 1200 just now which was recommended by my doc, (i put on a LOT of my wight from the different medications that ive been on - 3 and a half stone in 5 months!!!!!!) in order to get the weight back off and i try my hardest not to eat back my calories, makes me feel incredibly guilty eating them back haha i often feel like ive just done a work out for nothing if i eat after it, i do a lot of spin classses but they are usually the last thing i do in a day because of work and schedules n stuff.

    Just remember that an hour workout is only 4% of your day so what really counts is what you're doing with the REST of your day. If you're only trying to net 1200 calories you need to be eating some of your exercise calories. But that's just my opinion. Don't feel guilty about it!!
  • caitlinahepburn
    caitlinahepburn Posts: 11 Member
    I also eat my largest meal in the morning, lunch as normal and a small 'breakfast sized' dinner.
    So even though this works out well for me fitting in eating around schedules and work and stuff, i find it hard to make up the calories in the morning as i dont eat dinner food for breakfast if ya get me. i eat breakfast food in dinner quantities in the morning, and dinner food in breakfast quantities. does that even make sense
  • caitlinahepburn
    caitlinahepburn Posts: 11 Member
    My calorie goal is set at 1200 just now which was recommended by my doc, (i put on a LOT of my wight from the different medications that ive been on - 3 and a half stone in 5 months!!!!!!) in order to get the weight back off and i try my hardest not to eat back my calories, makes me feel incredibly guilty eating them back haha i often feel like ive just done a work out for nothing if i eat after it, i do a lot of spin classses but they are usually the last thing i do in a day because of work and schedules n stuff.

    If your doctor recommends 1200 calories, does that mean 1200 total or net. You need to understand this and he needs to understand it too. I bet your car that he means total, meaning do not eat back exercise cals. You need to ask to make sure, but most nutritionists and doctors do not mean for you to eat back exercise calories. That is a specific MFP thing, and it's not normally done outside of MFP.

    Im pretty sure he means he doesnt want me to eat them back, and didnt even think about this eating back calories until i came on here.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I also eat my largest meal in the morning, lunch as normal and a small 'breakfast sized' dinner.
    So even though this works out well for me fitting in eating around schedules and work and stuff, i find it hard to make up the calories in the morning as i dont eat dinner food for breakfast if ya get me. i eat breakfast food in dinner quantities in the morning, and dinner food in breakfast quantities. does that even make sense

    Meal frequency/size doesn't matter (again unless you have a medical condition and NEED to eat a very specific way)

    Make sure with your doctor that he understand you exercise and ask him if he meant net calories or not :wink: