

  • those are all great choices, however they will all have the same results based on your calories taken in per day. I loved P90x when i started to workout because it taught me alot about muscle control and kept me on track to workout every day. My mother much prefers insanity and assylum, while my father like p90x more. It…
  • as long as it doesnt push your calories over. I used to drink skim and love it(still do) but dont drink milk anymore because there are other places i would rather spend 200 calories haha
  • as a few people said its about being consistant. If yuo weigh yourself Monday at 5 P.M. and Thursday at 6. A.M. it will be drastically different. Also take into account how much you had to eat and how much water you drank the day/night before. I know that occasionally i will step on the scale(monday morning) and see that…
  • i avoid all types of candy and sweats at all times. After about a month i completely loose any want for them