

  • Thanks you so much for the link. Very helpful information. I have been aerobic ally training for several months...running 25+ miles per week without any weightless results. I thought it was metabolism, but really it may be due to a lack of speedwork. Thanks again.
  • I often tell people I run so I can eat "guilt-free" so I totally get it. I mix up my runs weekly. One speed work, two easy short runs and one long run. I'm pretty sure I just need to get my appetite in check...
  • My marathon is on oct 7th in Brussels! I also spent the last 8 years in Aurora, co. Got my undergrad at metro state in Denver! =)
  • Hello! I current'y training for a marathon and also trying to lose about 10 lbs. Should be no problem, right? Wrong. I am having a helluva time. I suppose I need to watch what I eat too...lame :/ I am 29, a mother of two, working on my Master's part-time, AND work full-time. Running is a MUST to keep me sane. I look…
  • I am currently training for my first marathon. The Brussels Marathon in October! My PR for a half is 1:46:36. I am getting pretty nervous for my body as the mileage increses, but I'm pulling through. Biggest problem right now are posterior shin splints...
  • Hey Wisconsinites! My family lives out there near Wausau. It is so beautiful up north...in the summer =)