FASTBALL1539 Member


  • I've done a few weeks of both and had good results I just can't stay motivated I think it would be cool to have an accountability group on here that way everyone could get support and check in everyday!
  • The hardest thing to do is get started. But after a few weeks and with the help of the message board and friends it almost becomes an obsession. haha. Try making your dieting and workouts a daily routine. This give you the oppurtunity to eat around the same time and work out every day. It makes it a lot easier to plan your…
  • Just got one thing to say WOOOOOOOOOO PIG SUIE!!!!!!!!
  • I would leave it on that so even if you do burn more calories by chasing them around you still eat less helping you loose weight faster!
  • You might try changing your workout routine or implementing one if you don't already have one.