Fikinghell Member


  • Thanks for the links and all your comments guys! I see there are some who feel my pain lol The reason why I hate 'cup' as a measurement so for the very reason that it doesn't state liquid or solid so its very generic and confusing especially if you've got loads of ingredients to work out - I just don't bother! I did google…
  • Hello! Well done on your first step to getting yourself back on track and healthy again! I have been on here, this time round for 145ish days now and I know what you mean about having support around you. First time I was on here in 2012 I lost 28lbs or so and I felt incredible! This time round its tougher, so I need those…
  • WOW! Carissa has sure started sometihng eh?!? I have fallen off the wagon and got back on and now fallen off it again! Not sure how much I'll lose but 4lbs would make me very happy indeed! Feel free to add me folks, I don't bite unless theres chocolate near...
  • Wow, guys! I'm an IBS - C sufferer and I read all your posts. I too understand the doctor thing, years I went to them about it and all they did was throw pills and laxatives at me. I was told to 'figure it out myself' by one doctor! Years down the line and I'm still trying to figure it all out. I lost 2 stone last year by…
  • Hi guys, Feel free to add me, if you wish! I've been on here for nearly 2 years and not one person has added me. Only my friend that I work with has and that's because I made him haha! I sincerely need to get my motivation and will power back on track (I've just ate a full Chinese takeaway all to myself!) and as I now cook…
  • Now that's what you call motivation!! I haven't the feintest idea if I could even do the truffle shuffle (and I most sincerely hope I don't find out!) lol :)
  • Glasgow, Scotland - and proud of it too! Wow, theres lots of folk from 'over the pond' on here! How do to all of you fellow MFPers
  • Hi guys, Just reading your posts and I add around 280 for a 'Body Combat' class (60min) I take at my gym. I'm now thinking I should up the calories on this exercise! Les Mills has started at my gym too - was thinking it was for the 'fitties' but I might just give one class a go this weekend... I love Body Combat but I have…