AnastasiaRad Member


  • Thanks for your encouragement and advice, I will defeniately attempt to start anew with a 5 day attack phase... And I eat the porridge every day. it's soooooo good with some cinnamon!
  • I can only speak from personal experience, but I used to have that all the time, whenever I did that exercise where you sit with you back against the wall for 3 minutes, but as my muscles got stronger it went away. So good luck with the yoga program, I hope you will feel stronger soon!
  • Hi, I really really need somebody's help with this diet.... I'm almost 4 weeks in, and about a week ago I binged massively at a friend's birthday party - I had something like 7 times my reccomended calorie intake, and god knows how much sugar. Since then, I haven't followed the diet properly, and have had a week of having…
  • I am on cruise phase (one week in) and I ate two slices of yogurt cake today (friend's birthday party). Feeling very guilty, have any of you done the same, and how has it affected your weight loss?? And also, how much exercise did you do? I currentlly do half an hour of yoga at 6 am, and then half and hour of high…
  • Hello fellow people on this website... Losing weight through the Dukan diet and GAIAM fitness DVDs, just use this site as an extra tool for weightloss (I am currently 63 kg and 168 cm), hopefully this will help me stay on track more (even though I had a slice of cake today, it was a friend's birthday though...and i ate…